Erdogan ya gana da Putin

Erdogan ya gana da Putin

Erdogan met with Putin in 2021 last time (AA)

Salah Hammouri's deportation appears unlikely in the following days after two court hearings on Tuesday.

The 37-year-old political prisoner will remain in a maximum-security prison pending a court's decision on the deportation order.

A judicial review of Hammouri's detention was also scheduled for 1 January 2023.

According to the 'Justice for Salah' web page, the court will look into Hammouri's residency revocation.

Among the hearing attendees were representatives of the Israel migration authority. Hammouri was considered a foreigner by the Israeli authorities; after the interior ministry revoked his residency status in October 2021.

The French Consul also attended Tuesday's legal hearings.

The French Consul also attended Tuesday's legal hearings.

The French Consul also attended Tuesday's legal hearings.

The French Consul also attended Tuesday's legal hearings.

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