The rains in recent weeks are the heaviest on record in Beijing. Photo: Reuters

Thirty-three people have been confirmed dead and 18 are still missing after Beijing's heaviest rains on record, officials said Wednesday.

China's capital has been hit by record downpours in recent weeks, damaging infrastructure and deluging swathes of the city's suburbs and surrounding areas.

The number of deaths given on Wednesday was almost three times the number declared on Wednesday. Officials said most of the deaths were caused by flooding and buildings collapsing.

"I would like to express my deep condolences to those who died in the line of duty and the unfortunate victims," Xia Linmao, Beijing's vice-mayor, told a press conference.

Scores have died in the floods across northern China, with Beijing on Friday saying 147 deaths or disappearances last month were caused by natural disasters, China's Ministry of Emergency Management said.

Millions of people have been hit by extreme weather events and prolonged heatwaves around the globe in recent weeks, events that scientists say are being exacerbated by climate change.