AU Chairperson Commission head urges dialogue in Guinea-Bissau. Photo: AFP

The African Union says it was concerned by President Umaro Sissoco Embalo's decision to dissolve parliament ahead of fresh elections in Guinea-Bissau after clashes erupted in the capital last week.

President Embalo had described the clashes between sections of the security forces as an ''attempted coup'' and vowed ''serious consequences''.

The African Union "strongly condemns the recent violence in Guinea Bissau, perpetrated by elements of the National Guard."

It also "notes with concern the dissolution of the National Assembly" by President Embalo.

President Embalo did not give details of the reasons for the parliament's dissolution - a decision he took a few days after the "attempted coup".

He said the violence between members of the national guard and special forces of the presidential guard had plunged the West African nation into crisis.

Guinea-Bissau has experienced several coups since it gained independence from Portugal in 1974.

TRT Afrika