The group meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan is focused on decolonisation and promoting human and peoples' rights. / Photo: APA News agency                 

A major conference on France’s continued rule in the island of Mayotte is taking place in Azerbaijan's capital Baku on Tuesday.

The conference aimed at highlighting the negative impact of French rule on the island, was organised by a non-governmental organisation known as the Baku Initiative Group.

The group is focused on decolonisation and promoting human and peoples’ rights.

With the theme: “The illegal French occupation of Mayotte Island in the Union of the Comoros”, the event is being attended by Comorians and people from Mayotte.

Territorial integrity

Various political groups and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan are also participating in the event, the Azerbaijan news agency, APA, reports.

Participants have voiced full support for the territorial integrity of the Union of Comoros, the agency reports.

The conference also talks about France's colonial history in the Comoros and the resulting harm to the people of the southeastern African country.

Comoros consists of the islands of Grand Comoros, Anjuan and Moheli.


The fourth island, Mayotte, is still under French rule. It is one of the French overseas territories, becoming the 101st province of France following a decision by the French Parliament in March 2011.

The French attacked Comoros in 1912 and established colonial and missionary activities. This sparked resistance from the Comorian people, who are mainly Muslims.

Despite reasonable success following the resistance, the Mayotte Island remains under French control.

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