President Erdogan responded to the press's questions during his return flight from Algeria.

"Humanity is crying out right now. Those who stand on the right side of history are speaking up,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said regarding the Israeli brutality on Gaza, on his return flight from a diplomatic visit to Algeria.

In his in-flight statements on Wednesday, the President condemned the incremental Israeli occupation, likening it to a robbery, and emphasised the changing global stance against Israel.

“Times have changed. You can see how the world is beginning to take a stance against Israel. The occupation in Gaza, while some governments remain silent, has thankfully stirred the consciences of the people. The number of those supporting Palestine in the streets is increasing,” he said.

Citing recent marches in Berlin, the UK, the US and other countries, he noted the growing activism even within Israel, where people are calling for Prime Minister Netanyahu to step down.

“Netanyahu is in a legal predicament. No matter which way he goes, he won't escape. Hopefully, he will gather his belongings and leave very soon,” Erdogan said.

He reiterated his call for a united international effort against the oppression in Gaza, emphasising the need for governments to align with international law, human rights and ethical values.

Rafah Border Crossing

Turning his attention to the positive steps at Gaza’s Rafah Border Crossing with Egypt, Erdogan commended the Egyptian government's efforts. He highlighted the increasing number of Gazan patients receiving treatment in Turkish city hospitals, and expressed a desire to further facilitate the evacuation of patients.

“We want to bring all the patients as soon as possible. I desire to take those in need of surgical intervention as quickly as possible, especially the children, and perform medical interventions.”

In addressing the blockade on Gaza, Erdogan emphasised the need for a comprehensive strategy, involving all members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League. He called for the utilisation of economic, political, diplomatic, sociological and cultural elements to establish a ceasefire, deliver aid to Gaza, and rebuild the city.

Breaking the ‘mental blockade’

The President once again underlined the necessity of eliminating blockades imposed by Zionists and their supporters, allowing Palestine to reclaim its historical borders and the right to self-determination. He asserted that only through such efforts could lasting peace be achieved in the region.

“The blockade is not only about the soldiers and weapons Israel has gathered around Gaza. We must compel Israel to adhere to international law and be accountable for its actions. For example, we must break the blockade on the United Nations platform. We must narrate the Israeli oppression in Palestine, make the voices of oppressed Palestinians, who have been suffering for decades, be heard by those who do not hear, change people's perspectives and break the mental blockade,” he added.

Condemning the discriminatory approach that devalues Muslim lives and emphasising the universal understanding that any loss of human life is a cause for concern, Erdogan continued by saying, “We must eliminate all blockades that blind the world's language and eyes — the ones imposed by the Zionists and their supporters that have deprived Palestine of its historical borders, the right to self-determination of its people, property rights, the right to life, and other freedoms. Only then is it possible to achieve lasting peace."

Regarding the Israeli hostages held by Hamas, Erdogan said he does not believe that “Hamas has or will have any negative behaviour towards civilians in its custody”, reiterating that Israel holds a significant number of Palestinians, and Hamas is only making efforts to have them released.

“As you know, Qatar's involvement is giving new shape to the peace process. I think the exchange of hostages will happen sooner than later,” he added.

Israel's crime against humanity

Erdogan emphasised that almost all European countries are silent on the issue, and there is no intervention by them to stop Israel's massacre.

"The Islamic world should not remain silent on this aggression. The potential fall of Gaza would mean a deep wound to the unity and solidarity of the Islamic world," he said.

“Politicians who turn a deaf ear to that voice, will soon face the consequences, in the democratic reaction of their people. In the eyes of people, leaders who, with their pro-Israel stance, become supporters of genocide, should rectify this mistake as soon as possible,” he said, adding that governments supporting Israel must avoid complicity in these crimes.

The President reiterated that one should not remain silent and unresponsive to crimes committed by Israel. "Israeli state and occupiers' terrorism in Gaza and other Palestinian cities is a crime against humanity, and a genocide," Erdogan said.

"We hold on to the hope that positive results will emerge. I believe that the pains we are currently experiencing are akin to the birth pangs of the long-desired peace in our region, and the establishment of a Palestinian state that it will bring about," he added.

Developments in defence industry

The Turkish president, in his statements on Wednesday, also dwelled on the development of indigenous defence industry, underlining that every step Türkiye takes in this sector fills the country with excitement.

"Those who dedicate themselves to the defence industry are making significant contributions to the future of our country and the realisation of the Turkish Century," he said.

"Kaan, Kizilelma, TCG Anadolu and many others, won’t stand alone. Hopefully, new, improved and better-equipped projects will emerge through the dedicated efforts of our brothers and sisters in the service of our homeland."

He recalled that not too long ago, unmanned aerial vehicles and smart ammunition were absent from Türkiye's military capabilities, but the country is now able to make significant developments in the defence industry.

"We strive for excellence with the best engineers, software developers, craftsmen and designers."

"New advancements are underway, and there is no need for concern. Both in the defence sector and in other domains, we are poised to build an even greater reputation for ourselves," the President added.

TRT World