Altun expressed hope for the enduring growth of friendship and collaboration between the two countries beyond the 100-year milestone. / Photo: AA Archive

Türkiye's Communications Director Fahrettin Altun has written an article in Die Presse, one of Austria's leading newspapers, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Türkiye-Austria Friendship Agreement.

"We are celebrating the honour of the centenary of the Friendship Agreement that has formed a historical bridge between Türkiye and Austria," he wrote in the article "Legacy of a Century: On Türkiye-Austria Relations" which was published on Monday.

Altun reflected on the historical significance of the agreement, emphasising its role as a symbol of the profound ties between the two nations. Over the past century, the agreement has not only fostered strong political relations but has also served as a crucial milestone in mutual understanding and collaboration between the Turkish and Austrian people.

Political ties between the two countries have been further solidified through high-level visits and strategic discussions, enabling joint action on the global stage and shared positions on various issues.

Collaboration across various domains

In the article, Altun noted Austria's substantial investments in Türkiye, making it one of the leading countries. The total trade volume between the two nations has reached approximately four billion dollars, and Altun expressed optimism about exceeding five billion dollars based on the vision outlined by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

He also touched on the significant progress in cultural, artistic, and tourism-related collaborations, underscoring the privileged nature of the relationship in the current global context.

Regarding human rights and dignity, Altun emphasised Türkiye's commitment to universal values, particularly in its active pursuit of peaceful solutions and support for a two-state resolution in the context of the Gaza crisis.

The article suggested that Türkiye, both within its borders and on the regional and global stage, plays a proactive role, outlining Türkiye's approach to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, where its strategic position and NATO membership have enabled it to play a decisive role.

The communications director expressed confidence in the future strengthening of Türkiye-Austria relations, envisioning Türkiye's continued role as a staunch advocate for global peace, stability, and cooperation. He expressed hope for the enduring growth of friendship and collaboration between the two countries beyond the 100-year milestone.

TRT World