Turkish Communications Director Fahrettin Altun attends the Istanbul Security Forum organised by the Presidency's Directorate of Communications. / Photo: AA  

Türkiye has demonstrated an exemplary anti-terrorism approach for the entire world, the country’s communications director said.

Speaking at the Istanbul Security Forum on Tuesday, Fahrettin Altun said this forum was organised to create a global dialogue platform in the field of security.

Altun pointed out terrorism as one of the most important security threats in today's world.

Terrorist groups, he said, do not just target a country or its citizens, but rather they target all of humanity. "The attacks of terrorist organisations are directed towards all humanity, regardless of language, religion, race or geography," he said.

Thus, it is of great importance to adopt a firm stance to prevent and fight terrorism and impose sanctions against it, Altun added.

"For this, it is obligatory to develop an international understanding of struggle without making any distinction between terrorist organisations and regardless of the geography in which terrorist acts are carried out."

He also said Türkiye's approach in fighting terrorism serves as a model for the rest of the world to follow.

Türkiye, he said, is a power that maintains peace, security and stability in its region and globally.

Threats to global security

With the roles and responsibilities Ankara has taken on, as well as the discourse it has developed on an international level, it will persist as a guarantor of peace and security, the Turkish official said.

"Our country has effectively fought all terrorist organisations, from PKK/YPG to Daesh and FETO, which threaten our national security and regional peace and stability, and continues to do so."

However, Türkiye does not receive the support and solidarity it deserves in this struggle, and even the terrorist organisations and terrorists it fights are supported by various countries, Altun underlined.

"Those who feed another terrorist organisation under the name of fighting terrorism are betraying the fight against global terrorism. These countries should review this flawed strategy that will make them pay a price as soon as possible."

Altun also said the security threats of the 21st century are not limited to conflicts between countries, regional conflicts or wars. "Climate change, environmental problems, natural disasters and their consequences are also issues of global security that cannot be ignored."

The Istanbul Security Forum is being held on May 2-3 by Türkiye's Communications Directorate to address regional and global security threats and solution proposals with an innovative perspective.

The two-day event, held for the first time in Istanbul, will bring together policy makers, academics, experts, journalists and representatives of international organisations who will discuss the regional and global powers' approaches to security policies.

In panels and roundtables, the participants will exchange views on ways to ensure security and on facing challenges that require collective response.

TRT World