Erdogan reiterated that Türkiye’s intervention in Cyprus in 1974 was a peace operation aimed at stopping genocide and restoring order, in line with international law. / Photo: AA

Türkiye does not see any fresh negotiation process starting on Cyprus without both sides on the island sitting down and rising from talks "as equals," Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

"Frankly, we don’t see the possibility of starting a new negotiation process in Cyprus without establishing an equation where both sides sit at the table as equals and leave as equals," Erdogan told reporters on his return flight from an official visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on Sunday.

Commenting on recent remarks by Greek Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, calling Turks "occupiers," Erdogan said the comment "could not be more impudent," urging Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to put Dendias "in his place."

President Erdogan reiterated that Türkiye's intervention in Cyprus in 1974 was a peace operation aimed at stopping genocide and restoring order in accordance with international law.

Erdogan mentioned that he and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had agreed at the last NATO summit to avoid inflammatory rhetoric during their respective visits to Cyprus.

"Turkish military has a glorious past of not oppressing even its enemies and never violating the rights of the oppressed. It will continue to act with the same understanding today and in the future. They should know that in the countries where our soldiers set foot, peace reigns, not a culture of occupation."

Focus on political infrastructure, not military bases

Discussing military and strategic developments, Erdogan noted that North Cyprus is constructing new presidential and parliamentary buildings, underscoring Türkiye's focus on political infrastructure over military bases.

He criticised possible plans for a naval base by the Greek Cypriots and their allies, warning that this could escalate tensions, adding: "If necessary, we can also build naval bases and naval structures in the north."

"Steps that will never contribute to peace on the island, increase tensions and lead to violations of international law should be carefully avoided. Being a partner in the massacre in Israel will benefit neither Greeks nor Greece," he warned.

Erdogan also revealed plans for a new Turkish gas production platform, likening it to a strategic base, and highlighted Türkiye's advancing energy independence.

Self-sufficiency in defence technologies

Reflecting on past embargoes, imposed on Türkiye during the peace operation, Erdogan expressed pride in Türkiye's self-sufficiency in defence technologies, from UAVs to advanced missile systems.

He noted the increasing demand for Turkish defence products from Western countries, indicating a shift in global perceptions and reliance on Turkish technology.

Erdogan pointed to ongoing projects such as the Kızılelma drone and Turkish satellites as symbols of national pride and technological advancement.

Seeking justice, holding terrorists to account

Regarding ongoing military operations in Northern Iraq, Erdogan stated that the fight against terrorism is not a simple mathematical issue. He emphasised that Türkiye will continue to seek justice and hold terrorists accountable.

Erdogan expressed confidence that Türkiye would eventually prevail in its fight against terrorism, despite the challenges.

Erdogan also addressed the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declaring Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories illegal. He highlighted the importance of international pressure on Israel to comply with the ICJ's decisions and expressed hope that the ruling would prompt a global awakening to the plight of the Palestinian people.

Erdogan called for unified action against Israeli aggression, stressing that ignoring the systematic oppression of Palestinians is unacceptable.

US elections, Gaza war

Finally, Erdogan discussed the potential impact of the upcoming US presidential election on Israel's policy towards Gaza.

He criticised Israel's continued aggression and attempts to widen the conflict in the Middle East, and called on the international community to take a firm stand against such actions.

Erdogan stressed that only through collective and resolute opposition can the international community contain Israel's destabilising ambitions and ensure peace in the region.

"In order to end this persecution, the US administration must put pressure on Israel and withdraw its support for murderer Netanyahu and his entourage. Israel's desire to plunge our region into chaos and turn it into a conflict zone is evident.

Despite all the atrocities they are committing in Gaza, they are acting out of frustration at not achieving their goals. What Israel fears most is the united and determined resistance of the international community."

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