PKK Target / Photo: AA

Turkish intelligence forces "neutralised" so-called head of the PKK/KCK terror group in Iraq's northern Kirkuk province, security sources have said.

Remzi Avci, who was on Türkiye's most-wanted list, joined the terror organisation in 1992, said the sources who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media on Tuesday.

Codenamed Ciya Amed, Avci was involved in terrorist activities in Syria's Afrin and Iraq's Sinjar and Gara regions, according to the sources, who added that he also had an organising role in the terror group's actions in 2016 in Türkiye's southeastern Diyarbakir province.

He was in the red category of Türkiye's wanted terrorists' list. The wanted list is divided into five color-coded categories, with red as the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange, and gray.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and EU — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

Türkiye ‘neutralises’ 10 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq

Turkish Armed Forces “neutralised” 10 PKK terrorists in northern Iraq, the National Defence Ministry has said.

The terrorists were taken down in Qandil and Hakurk regions, the Turkish ministry said in a statement.

Turkish authorities use the term “neutralise” to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured.

PKK/YPG terrorists often hide out across Türkiye’s border in northern Iraq and Syria, where they plot attacks on Turkish forces or the local populations.

TRT World