Experts describe Bayraktar drones as game-changers on the battlefield, with popularity extending beyond Asia and Africa to NATO and EU member states. / Photo: AA Archive

Türkiye has become the world's largest supplier of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), driven by the success of its drones in conflict zones such as Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Libya.

Data from the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) regarding the global market for military UAVs highlights Türkiye’s rise to the top owing to its strong performance in recent years.

The report notes that drone technology has become increasingly widespread over the past 30 years, with a growing number of state and non-state actors acquiring these capabilities.

According to CNAS data, China, Türkiye, and the US have made a combined total of 69 sales of armed military drones to 40 different nations since 2018.

Türkiye accounted for 65 percent of the sales, with China taking up 26 percent, and the US just eight percent.

China, for its part, reached its peak in drone sales in 2014, but by 2021, Türkiye cornered the market and became the world’s largest supplier.

The report attributes this to Turkish drones’ effectiveness in conflicts in Libya, Karabakh, and Ukraine.

Experts describe Bayraktar drones as game-changers on the battlefield, with popularity extending beyond Asia and Africa to NATO and EU member states.

Since September 2024, Bayraktar TB2 drones have been part of the inventories of six NATO countries and four EU nations, continuing to perform their missions successfully.

TRT World