Turkish officials revealed that the spy worked tirelessly to fabricate and disseminate provocative news targeting both Syrians in Türkiye and the situation in war-torn Syria itself. / Photo: Reuters Archive

Turkish security sources have detailed to TRT World the operations of a covert operative, Sami Allus (also known as Shadi Turk), who not only served as a spy for Western intelligence agencies but also played a pivotal role in orchestrating a propaganda campaign.

The spy has admitted to being involved in the disinformation and deception campaign, and Turkish officials have said he is banned from entering the country.

Allus, originally hailing from Syria, arrived in Türkiye in 2009 under the pretense of pursuing an education in architecture.


Following his entry into the country Allus would go on to infiltrate Syrian communities and serve the interests of Western intelligence agencies, using the cover of a "journalist" to mingle among and spy on Syrians.

Turkish officials revealed that Allus worked tirelessly to fabricate and disseminate provocative news targeting both Syrians in Türkiye and the situation in war-torn Syria itself.

Under the careful guidance and grooming of Western spy agencies, Allus operated as a puppet master, manipulating media narratives to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere in Türkiye towards Syrian refugees.

He acted as a mercenary, blurring the lines between his espionage activities and journalism.

Sami Allus

However, faced with mounting pressure after Turkish security forces surveiled and detained him Allus eventually confessed, acknowledging his involvement in serving multiple Western intelligence services.

Financial records indicate that Allus profited significantly from his espionage endeavors, which he squandered on extravagant parties and illegal substances.

Despite being under constant surveillance, Allus attempted to evade detection by seeking refuge in the coastal district of Kas in Antalya while continuing his espionage and propaganda activities.

Fully aware that he was being closely monitored and fearing arrest, Allus made the calculated decision to flee Türkiye at the end of 2022, eventually settling in the Philippines.

Allus has continued to live a life of luxury while leveraging his connections to German media.

He worked for the German newspaper, TAZ, to disseminate his version of events, attempting to tarnish Türkiye’s image through his deceptive propaganda and claiming that he was discriminated against as a Syrian by the Turkish state and that he was denied entry into the country.

TRT World