The team from the Land Forces Command finished the competition in first place, while the team from the Special Forces Command secured the second place / Photo: AA

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have achieved remarkable success at the 8th European Best Sniper Team Competition in Germany, securing first and second positions.

In an official statement issued by the Turkish Ministry of National Defence on Tuesday, the competition, which took place from August 4 to 12 at the Hohenfels Training Center in Germany, was organised by the US Army Europe and Africa Command and featured 36 teams, with Türkiye represented by teams from the Turkish Land Forces Command and the Special Forces Command.

Teams from 19 countries participated in the competition, including the US, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Slovenia.

"Under the responsibility of our Mountain Commando School and Training Center Command, both of our teams achieved exceptional success," the ministry said.

"The team from the Land Forces Command finished the competition in first place, while the team from the Special Forces Command secured the second place."

TRT World