The annual commemorations involve ceremonies, speeches, and various events highlighting the heroism and patriotism displayed on that fateful night. / Photo: AA Archive

On the night of July 15, 2016, Türkiye faced one of the most critical moments in its modern history.

A rogue faction within the Turkish Armed Forces, affiliated with the Fetullah Terrorist Organisation (FETO), launched a coup aimed at overthrowing the government.

Tanks rolled into the streets, fighter jets roared over the capital, and key infrastructures were seized.

However, what transpired that night was not the fall of a government, but a remarkable defence of democracy that would fundamentally reshape the nation's political landscape, social fabric and collective consciousness.

Defence of democracy

The coup attempt was a direct assault on Türkiye's democratic institutions. The plotters aimed to seize control of the government and impose military rule, undermining the will of the people, which is expressed through democratic elections.

However, the Turkish public responded with unprecedented swiftness and resolve. As news of the coup spread, thousands of citizens flooded the streets, defying curfew orders and risking their lives to confront the armed forces.

People from all walks of life—young and old, rich and poor, urban and rural—came together in their determination to protect democracy.

This collective action was a profound testament to the Turkish people's commitment to democratic principles and civilian rule.

The courage and solidarity displayed on that night reaffirmed the importance of democratic rule in Türkiye and showcased the power of a unified populace in defending the nation's core values.

“Those who planned the treacherous coup attempt wrote the scenario abroad,” said Ismail Hakki Turunc, president of the 15 July Association, a non-governmental organisation established on August 20, 2016. “Both the sacrifice made by our nation and the leadership qualities of our president were important factors in suppressing it,” he said.

The events of July 15 brought together people from diverse backgrounds, political affiliations and social strata to take a unified stand against the toppling of Turkish democracy.

This unprecedented display of solidarity transcended the usual political and social divides. Political parties, often at odds with each other, stood together in condemning the coup attempt.

This unity also played a crucial role in healing some of the divisions within Turkish society, at least temporarily, as people recognised their common commitment to the nation's democratic ideals.

FETO’s infiltration exposed

The failed coup highlighted the extent of FETO's infiltration into various state institutions, including the military, judiciary, and police.

This revelation was both shocking and sobering. It underscored the deep-rooted and insidious nature of the threat posed by FETO, which had spent years clandestinely embedding its members within the state's apparatus.

In response, the Turkish government launched a legal, comprehensive and systematic purge of FETO members from all levels of the state.

Tens of thousands of military personnel, judges, prosecutors, police officers and civil servants were detained, dismissed or suspended.

This massive crackdown aimed to dismantle FETO's clandestine network and prevent future threats to national security. The process also involved sweeping reforms to increase oversight and accountability of state institutions, ensuring that such an event could not happen again.

The military was reorganised to increase civilian checks and balances and reduce the risk of future coups. This included changes in the command structure and the establishment of mechanisms to ensure greater transparency and accountability.

The judiciary also saw reforms aimed at enhancing its independence and effectiveness. Measures were implemented to ensure that judges and prosecutors were appointed based on merit rather than loyalty to any particular group or ideology.

These reforms were part of a broader effort to rebuild trust in state institutions and restore confidence in the rule of law.

Shift in foreign policy

The coup attempt influenced Türkiye’s foreign policy, prompting a reassessment of its alliances and partnerships.

The government sought greater cooperation with its allies in combating terrorism and subversive activity, and there was a noticeable shift towards a more assertive and independent foreign policy stance.

Türkiye’s relations with several countries were tested as it sought to secure support for its crackdown on FETO. The government’s determination to pursue those responsible for the coup extended beyond its borders, leading to diplomatic efforts to track down and extradite FETO members living abroad.

This period also saw Türkiye assert itself more vigorously on the international stage, pursuing policies that reflected its national interests more directly.

National unity

Since then, July 15 is commemorated annually as Democracy and National Unity Day of Türkiye. The remembrance of this day serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of Turkish democracy and the sacrifices made by those who defended it. It has become a symbol of national pride and a rallying point for ongoing efforts to strengthen democratic institutions and national unity.

“I don't think anyone will attempt a coup again because the answer was given by our nation, which responded with an epic stance,” said Turunc.

The annual commemorations involve ceremonies, speeches, and various events highlighting the heroism and patriotism displayed on that fateful night.

These observances help keep the memory of the coup attempt alive and ensure that the lessons learned from it continue to influence Turkish society. They also serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and unity in the face of internal and external threats.

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