President Erdogan referenced "overt and covert embargoes" that Türkiye has faced, suggesting these challenges have only strengthened the nation's resolve to develop independent defence capabilities. / Photo: AA

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has highlighted the country’s transformation in defence capabilities over the past 22 years, calling it a “historic achievement” achieved despite international obstacles and restrictions.

In a statement shared on the social media platform X on Friday, Erdogan emphasised Türkiye's shift from dependency on foreign suppliers for basic military equipment to becoming a significant defence manufacturer and exporter.

“We’ve written an epic in the field of defence industry over the last 22 years,” Erdogan declared, pointing to key achievements, including the indigenous “Steel Dome” air defence system and its long-range counterpart, “Siper.”

Erdogan also emphasised advancements in satellite technology, noting the successful launch of IMECE, Türkiye's first domestically produced surveillance satellite, now providing unrestricted global imaging capabilities.

He highlighted the TURKSAT 6A project, which has placed Türkiye among the select nations capable of producing their own communication satellites.

Addressing ongoing international restrictions, Erdogan referenced "overt and covert embargoes" that Türkiye has faced, suggesting these challenges have only strengthened the nation's resolve to develop independent defence capabilities.

"Türkiye's march toward defence independence is not just for our country," Erdogan stated, "it signals a new era for the oppressed and the entire world."

The announcement underscores Türkiye's continuing efforts to establish itself as a major player in the global defence industry, with its military equipment now being exported to numerous countries worldwide.

Turkish defence exports reach 178 countries in 2024

Turkish defence industry companies exported products to a record-breaking 178 different countries this year, the country’s president said on Friday.

"In 2024 alone, our defence industry companies achieved a remarkable record by exporting products to 178 different countries," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the SAHA International Defence and Aerospace Expo 2024 in Istanbul.

During the event, also known as SAHA Expo, contracts worth $6.2 billion will be signed, including $4.6 billion in export agreements, Erdogan said, adding, “This is noteworthy.”

“We will leverage the expertise gained from the TURKSAT 6A and IMECE satellite projects in both the planning and execution of our lunar mission,” Erdogan added.

TRT World