From Paris to Berlin and Stockholm, across European capitals, Western states permit members of the PKK terrorist organisation to protest openly. / Photo: AA Archive

Banning images of Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed head of the PKK terrorist group, is in line with laws and regulations, a German regional court has ruled.

The Higher Administrative Court in North Rhine-Westphalia turned down a complaint filed by a PKK-linked group, which claimed that the police's prohibition of Ocalan posters during their meeting was illegal.

The court underlined on Monday that the PKK is classified as a terrorist organisation by the EU and is banned from operating in Germany, and therefore, the images of its leader, Abdullah Ocalan, were not allowed to be used in certain meetings to counter terrorist propaganda.

"Images of Abdullah Ocalan have an identifying function for the PKK," the court stressed in its ruling, adding that Germany's laws allow prohibiting public display of flags and badges, as well as images of people that are associated with a banned organisation.

"The decisive factor is whether the association uses a symbol or image to identify itself and its purposes," the court said.

"Such a 'cult of personality' exists in the PKK around Ocalan, in that the PKK continues to place him in the foreground as a leader and person of identification for itself and its goals."

The court said the PKK was using various Ocalan posters for propaganda purposes, trying to draw support from a wider group of people.

Europe's tolerance toward terror

The PKK, classified as an "ethno-nationalist" terrorist organisation by the EU's law enforcement agency Europol, has been banned in Germany since 1993. However, it remains active in the country with nearly 14,500 followers, according to the German domestic intelligence agency BfV.

In 2017, Germany's Interior Ministry updated its list of prohibited symbols used by the PKK and added the ringleader Ocalan's image to the list after an investigation into the propaganda activities of the group.

Türkiye has long urged its NATO ally Germany to take stronger action against the PKK, emphasising that the terrorist group uses the country as a platform for recruitment, propaganda, and fundraising activities.

Türkiye has frequently voiced concerns over European countries' tolerance toward the PKK; however, the terrorist organisation still maintains a strong presence in the region, being able to hold rallies and engage in recruitment activities.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women and children.

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