Erdogan addressed the Turkish Medical World Congress, which plays a vital role in elevating the cooperation potential in the field of health arranged under the umbrella of the Organization of the Turkic States. / Photo: Ihlas Haber Ajansi

Discussions on artificial intelligence in health care will broaden our horizons, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

His remarks came in a video message to the 9th Turkish Medical World Congress and Aziz Sancar Science, Service and Incentive Awards ceremony in Istanbul on Friday.

"Artificial intelligence technologies, which are expected to grow steadily and reach a $1.5 trillion market by 2030, are impacting every aspect of our lives," Erdogan said.

"It is certain that the presentations and discussions to be held under the theme of artificial intelligence in healthcare will broaden all of our horizons."

Erdogan also congratulated the winners of the award, named in honour of the Turkish Nobel Prize laureate Professor Aziz Sancar, and conveyed his regards to all the nations taking part.

Born in the Mardin province of southeastern Türkiye, Sancar was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, along with Tomas Lindahl and Paul Modrich for "mechanistic studies of DNA repair."

Cooperation of Turkic states

The Turkish Medical World Congress, which plays a vital role in elevating the cooperation potential in the field of health, is arranged under the umbrella of the Organization of the Turkic States.

During his address to the congress, Erdogan also mentioned that Türkiye gives "great importance and value to every endeavour within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States".

He added that Türkiye "constantly develops cooperation in a wide range of fields, from health to defence, education to energy, within the Turkic world."

Erdogan also said that the solidarity shown by Turkic states with Türkiye after the February 6 twin earthquakes will be never forgotten.

"I believe that as long as we maintain the spirit of brotherhood among us, we will achieve great successes," the Turkish leader added.

TRT World