Kiss scandal: Mother of Spanish football chief Rubiales on hunger strike

Kiss scandal: Mother of Spanish football chief Rubiales on hunger strike

Luis Rubiales was suspended by FIFA this weekend after kissing a player and accusing her of lying about it.
Luis Rubiales was suspended by FIFA disciplinary committee on August 26. / Photo: AFP

The mother of Luis Rubiales, Spain’s suspended football chief, locked herself in a church on Monday and announced a hunger strike to defend her son.

Angeles Bejar said she will stay in the church in the town of Motril until she finds justice for her son, who, she told Spanish news agency Efe, is the victim of an "inhumane, bloody witch-hunt."

Rubiales’ mother is demanding that Jennifer Hermoso, the player whom her son kissed, "tell the truth," insisting he "is incapable of hurting anyone," Efe reported.

This is the latest twist in a dramatic saga that has rocked Spain over the last week.

Controversial act

It began just over a week ago, when Spain’s women's team won the World Cup in Australia. During the celebrations, Rubiales, while standing next to Spain’s queen and her 16-year-old daughter, kissed Hermoso on the lips.

His actions raised eyebrows, and many were soon calling for him to apologise for his "sexist" behaviour.

Football players from around the world came out in support of Hermoso, including men’s player Borja Iglesia, who said he was boycotting the national team until things changed.

Sponsors of Spain’s football federation, including major Spanish corporations like Iberia and Iberdrola, also condemned Rubiales’ "unacceptable" behaviour.

Growing pressure

Hermoso also released a statement, saying Rubiales and the federation pressured her to say that she consented to the kiss even though it was not true.

With the wave of support for Spain’s female football players, many are calling this Spain’s "me too" movement, empowering women to speak out against inequality and men who feel entitled to treat women however they want.

The Spanish football federation will meet on Monday to decide how to move forward.