Prince Indah is a popular Kenyan Ohangla performer. Photo: Prince Indah

By Charles Mgbolu

Kenyan singer Prince Indah has faced some criticism on social media for going ahead with his scheduled music performances despite a car crash at one of his show venues that resulted in fatalities.

Prince Indah, whose real name is Evans Ochieng Owino, confirmed the accident on Sunday, July 16, saying three of his music fans and security personnel were killed in the incident.

"This occurred at the Choma Choma lounge area along the Kisii-Migori highway, where we performed last night. It happened that a motor vehicle, which was suspected of having lost control due to brake failure, rammed into motor vehicles parked in front of the venue and killed some pedestrians on the spot,” Indah wrote on Instagram.

Indah also confirmed that some of his band members, including his driver and saxophonists, sustained deep cuts to the head and mouth during the incident.

Indah confirmed the accident in a post on Instagram. Photo: Prince Indah 

That same day, he performed in Siaya municipality.

So should Indah have cancelled his shows?

It’s a question that has fans arguing ferociously on either side.

Indah explained that he was going ahead with planned shows “to cushion the bills in various hospitals around Kisii following the tragic incident.”

But some observers on social media will have none of that.

“We don't want to be sacrificed for someone's personal gain,” wrote a follower, Ian Duncan, on X after Indah announced he would be performing in Kisumu City on the same day of the accident.

“Please honour their memory by postponing this week's performance so you can offer your condolences to their family,” wrote another follower, John Osewe, also on X.

This has been the general tone from critics who insist he should have taken a break to properly mourn the loss of his staff member and other victims.

Photos and videos show Indah emotional during his performances following the accident. Photo: Indah

But his supporters have faught back, offering words of encouragement and a reminder to critics that in show business, the show literally goes on.

Indah himself has struggled to perform following the accident, with a viral video showing him on his knees in tears, singing for God’s protection “as enemies surround him.”

Prince Indah has yet to openly respond to these criticisms but continues to perform across the country as planned.

In 2022, a show in London by Nigerian singer Asake was cancelled after a crowd crush killed two people.

Prince Indah, whose real name is Evans Ochieng Owino, is a popular Ohangla musician from Siaya County, Kenya.

He leads his own band, Malaika Ohangla Rhumba Band, and gained fame with hits like 'Cinderella' released in 2018.

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