The One Bike group started the exercise in 2018. Photo: TRT Afrika

By Staff Reporter

The first Saturday of every month is the day a group of young people known as One Bike set for its members for a regular environmental exercise.

They pick up plastic bottles in and around Moshi the capital of the Kilimanjaro region in northern Tanzania.

They also use the exercise to raise awareness on the negative impact of plastic pollution as well as invite people to join the exercise.

"We realise that plastic is the enemy of our environment, that's why we want the community to support us and take action together," environmental activist Hillary Matemu who is part of the group says.

Members of the group go around from one place to another riding bicycles and wearing bags on their backs for the collection of plastic bottles which they take to a factory for recycling.

Kilimanjaro cleaners collect 35kg to 50kg of plastic bottles. Photo: TRT Afrika

They started this exercise in 2018 and gave it the name "Recycling Tour" to attract locals and tourists to join them in dealing with single-use plastic bottles that are scattered in the community.

On average, they collect 35kg to 50kg of plastic bottles a day depending on the number of people who turn up.

Members of the group started the initiative in their small shop for selling second-hand bicycles.

They put ads and flyers on their social media platforms inviting people for the exercise and they got a positive response.

The One Bike now provides volunteers with bicycles, helmets, bags and gloves for the work.

The One Bike cleaners have government recognition. Photo: TRT Afrika

The choice of routes always takes into account the landscape and appearance of the famous Mount Kilimanjaro and other attractions in Moshi to make the exercise more interesting as another form of highlighting the tourism potential of the area.

The government of Kilimanjaro region has given them recognition as oficial cleaners in Kilimarathon collecting plastic bottles used by people during the race.

The exercise happens on the first of every month. Photo: TRT Afrika

Environmental activist Hillary Matemu says an exercise like this should not be for the One Bike youth alone. It should be for everyone, he adds.

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