The current conflict started in October with the number of Palestinians killed crossing 18,000. Photo: AA

By Charles Mgbolu

Life in Gaza is a heartbreaking story as many people live in open camps with hardly enough food to eat and water to drink.

Israel has killed about 20,000 Palestinians since October 7. Most of the victims are women and children.

Survivors use crude means to prepare meals. Photo: AA

At night, the temperature is cold, at dawn the survivors pick themselves up and try to get through the day.

They hurdle around stone-made stoves to cook and bake bread. They also use the opportunity to warm themselves up.

Food aid trucks cannot reach most parts of the region. Photo AA

Dried grass and reeds serve as fuel for the fires, and baking is slow, but there is no other choice as fuel and electricity supplies have been cut off from the region by the Israel

Finding flour to bake the bread also gets increasingly difficult with every passing day.

Some have resorted to begging for food. Photo: AA

Journalists on the ground say that food aid trucks are unable to reach most parts of the bombarded Palestinian territory, and most people end up begging for bread.

People still have conversations, every now and then some smile cracks through on the faces of children.

Hunger has been weaponised in this conflict, there remains strong resilience by the Palestinians to survive.

TRT Afrika