Zimbabwe says Kariba border post has witnessed a surge in vehicle processing requests, prompting the temporary suspension of clearance activities. Photo: Reuters

Zimbabwe has suspended the clearance of imported vehicles at one of its main border points with Zambia, effective July 20.

Cross-country bus operators and motorists have also been indefinitely barred from using the Kariba border post in northern Zimbabwe.

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) says the suspension has been effected to decongest the border post after a surge in cargo clearance requests.

ZIMRA said in a statement on Monday that the backlog has “overstretched the current infrastructure at the port of entry.”

“The current high traffic volumes have also adversely affected ongoing government projects towards refurbishment of the Kariba Dam wall structures and the hydro-power plant, both of which are critical national resources given their strategic economic importance,” ZIMRA’s Commissioner of Customs and Excise Batsirai Chadzingwa said in a statement.

The vehicles are usually destined for Zimbabwe and other southern Africa nations after being received and cleared at the Port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The cargo then enters into Zimbabwe through the Zambian border.

Clearance redirected to Chirundu post

ZIMRA said subsequent vehicle clearances from Zambia will be done at the Chirundu One-Stop Border Post, some 100 kilometres away from Kariba.

The Zimbabwean government, however, says the suspension will not affect vehicles that are already lined up for clearance at Kariba border post.

“All fresh declarations should henceforth reflect the port of exit or entry aligned to the changes effected by the latest notice,” ZIMRA said.

The Kariba border post is a busy point of entry into and exit from Zimbabwe as tourists flock it to view Kariba Dam, a popular attraction among visitors.

TRT Afrika