Ecowas sanctions have triggered a shortage of commodities in Niger. / Photo: Reuters

Niger has banned all exports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) until further notice, the government said in a statement on Tuesday.

National production should be used to supply the domestic market, and in case of surplus a special authorization can be requested to export it, the statement said.

Niger normally exports its surplus petroleum gas to neighbouring Nigeria.

The country is facing an economic crisis due to regional and international sanctions following the military coup on July 26.

Nigeria, which supplies 70% of Niger's electricity needs, cut off the power supply to Niger, leading to an energy crisis.

About 40% of the state budget consists of foreign aid.

General Abdourahmane Tchiani, the leader of the mutinous soldiers, assumed the leadership of the group called the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Country.

TRT Afrika and agencies