Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Photo / Reuters

Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa has issued pardons to female and juvenile convicts without any stated reason, according to an order announced on Tuesday.

The pardon covers all female inmates except those convicted of murder, treason, rape, robbery, carjacking, public violence and human trafficking

Juvenile inmates to be freed should have served at least one third of their sentence, according to the order.

The number of convicts who will benefit from the order is still unclear.

Other beneficiaries of the presidential pardon include minor offenders convicted for less than 48 months and have served a third of their sentence, as well as those terminally ill.

Elderly inmates aged over 60 and who have served a tenth of their sentence will also be released.

Presidential clemency orders are issued every year ahead of the country's Independence Day celebrations to mark independence from Britain in April 1980.

Last year's order drew criticism from rights groups after it led to the release of thousands of prisoners including convicted rapists.

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