Zimbabwe Miners' Federation president Henrietta Rushwaya faces up to five years in jail for gold smuggling. / Photo: Henrietta Rushwaya

By Takunda Mandura

Zimbabwe Miners' Federation president Henrietta Rushwaya has been found guilty of attempting to smuggle 6 kilogrammes of gold.

The Anti-Corruption Court in the capital Harare heard that Rushwaya tried to smuggle gold at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport on October 26, 2020.

The court further heard that the gold, valued at $333,042, was destined for Dubai.

The prosecution said that Rushwaya failed to provide a valid export permit, and that she presented a falsified invoice from a Japanese company.

In her defense, the accused denied gold smuggling charges, saying she unknowingly picked a wrong bag at the airport.

Two of her co-accused, Stephen Tserai and Raphios Mufandauya, were acquitted over insufficient evidence.

Rushwaya, whose crime attracts a jail term of two to five years, will be sentenced on November 10, 2023.

TRT Afrika