Cyril Ramaphosa was re-elected as president for a second term by members of parliament. Photo / Reuters

Major world leaders have congratulated South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa following his re-election on Friday that saw the ruling ANC party enter into a coalition government after its worst performance in nearly three decades.

Ramaphosa, 71, won convincingly in parliament against Julius Malema of the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters. Ramaphosa received 283 votes to Malema's 44 in the 400-member house.

Ramaphosa will be sworn in next week in the capital, Pretoria, and then unveil his new cabinet.

US President Joe Biden, Russia's Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping are among world leaders who have congratulated Ramaphosa for the win.

'Working together'

President Biden also commended South Africa's political parties for "working together to form a Government of National Unity".

"I look forward to the United States and South Africa continuing our work together, to expand economic opportunity, invest in clean energy solutions, and demonstrate that democracy delivers," a statement from White House said,

South Africa's BRICS allies Russia and China welcomed Ramaphosa's re-election with President Xi sending him a congratulatory note and President Putin saying: "We highly appreciate your personal contribution to the development of strategic partnership between our countries".

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also congratulated Ramaphosa, hailing South Africa's "joint efforts to restore just peace in Ukraine."

'In good hands'

"With your leadership and experience, South Africa is in good hands" the EU Commission's president Ursula von der Leyen wrote on X.

Neighbouring Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa said Ramaphosa's second mandate was "ample testimony of the great confidence and trust" South Africans had in him.

Ramaphosa will now have the arduous task to bridge conflicting views within government to turn around South Africa's economic fortunes.

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TRT Afrika and agencies