The sanctions the UN Security Council has renewed on Sudan include travel bans, assets' freeze and an arms embargo. / Photo: AP

The UN Security Council renewed sanctions on Wednesday against Sudan for an additional year.

They included targeted sanctions as well as an arms embargo until September 12, 2025.

The resolution, circulated by the US, was unanimously passed by the 15-member Council.

UN Resolution 1591 was initially adopted by the Council on March 29, 2005, to impose sanctions on Sudan by specifically targeting individuals and entities involved in the conflict in Darfur.

Travel bans and assets' freeze

It includes travel bans, assets' freeze and an arms embargo. A sanctions committee that oversees implementation is also part of the resolution as well as a panel of experts who gather information on compliance and report to the Council.

US deputy envoy to the UN, Robert Wood, thanked Council members "for their constructive engagement in renewing the Sudan sanctions regime for 12 more months."

Emphasising the "danger, desperation" and "despair" the people of Darfur face, Wood said: "This adoption sends an important signal to them that the international community remains focused on their plight and is committed to advancing peace and security in Sudan and the region.

"Renewing the sanctions measures will restrict the movement of arms into Darfur and sanction individuals and entities contributing to or complicit in destabilising activities in Sudan," he added.

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