Dorcus Mirembe, also known as Mama D, hopes to finish her  cooking marathon on December 31. Photo /  @Mama_d256·

Celebrated Ugandan chef Dorcus Mirembe, popularly known as Mama D, has broken the world record for cooking non-stop as she works to set a new Guinness World Record.

She began her cooking journey on December 23 and is attempting to continue until December 31.

On Thursday she passed the 119 hours and 57 minutes mark set earlier this year by Irish chef Alan Fisher, who is based in Japan.

Official recognition of her record is awaiting the announcement of the Guinness World Records judges.

Fisher dethroned Nigerian chef Hilda Baci as the world record holder. The Nigerian's record stood at 93 hours 11 minutes.

Ugandans offer support

Numerous Ugandans have flocked to Mama D's cooking venue to offer all forms of support from financial to moral.

Government officials, businesspeople, and celebrities have all rallied behind her initiative by sending messages on social media platforms, while many others have physically visited her at her restaurant near the capital, Kampala.

Various food companies have generously provided her with cooking supplies and other essential items.

She told Anadolu news agency that she has been cooking traditional dishes from all over Uganda during the challenge and was offering all of the cooked food for free.

'Food is free'

“All food is free… it is such people who keep us going. All one needs is to have the appetite, that’s all. Whoever eats encourages me,” she said.

She explained that she was inspired to take on the challenge because of the variety of foods available in the country.

“Uganda is bestowed with an abundance of traditional foods and I want to showcase them to the world, to be the ambassador for the wonderful diverse cuisines of Uganda, the pearl of Africa," she added.

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