Abdul Rashid Kyoto, 31, is accused of the murder of three people, including two foreign tourists, in Uganda on October 17, 2023. / Photo: Reuters

An alleged commander of a militant group was on Monday charged with terrorism and murder of foreign tourists and their local driver.

A Kampala magistrate's court ordered Abdul Rashid Kyoto, a Ugandan national also known as Njovu or Tembo, to be detained in the country's maximum security prison until December 19.

Ugandan authorities say Kyoto, 31, is the leader of a unit of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militia based in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that is accused of killing the honeymooning tourists last month.

"Police inquiries in the matter are not yet concluded. We seek adjournment to let police conclude its investigations and have the suspect committed to the high court to stand trial," state prosecutor Mariam Kuluthum told the court.

Militant group claimed responsibility

Kyoto appeared in court on crutches, after he sustained injuries during a military operation at the end of last month that led to his capture.

A British national and his South African wife were murdered along with their Ugandan guide in the October 17 while on safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park in the west of the country.

A militant group – to which the ADF has pledged allegiance – claimed responsibility, saying it had killed "three Christian tourists."

Ugandan authorities have blamed the ADF for several attacks on its soil including the tourist killings and a horrific school massacre near the DRC border that cost the lives of 42 people, most of them students.

Cross-border attacks

The ADF is the deadliest of dozens of armed groups that plague troubled eastern DRC, accused of slaughtering thousands of civilians there, as well as carrying out cross-border attacks.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has called on the security forces to ensure the ADF was "wiped out" and the military has carried out a number of air strikes against its positions in the DRC.

The ADF is historically a Ugandan rebel coalition whose biggest group comprised people opposed to Museveni, who has ruled Uganda since 1986.

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