The majority of Uganda's population is made of youths. / Photo: Reuters

Uganda has postponed a national population census that was due to take place next month.

It was scheduled to be held on 24th and 25th of August but a new date will be set next week, the Uganda Bureau of Standards said.

The postponement has been caused by delays in procurement of enumeration equipment, it added.

Uganda conducts population census every 10 years and the results determine political representation and sharing of public funds.

“We are beginning to see the date of August not being feasible. We will make proposals on the new date by next week,” said Godfrey Nabongo, deputy executive director of the bureau.

He said a total of $36 million was needed for the census. The World Bank provided $10 million and the country’s finance ministry was to cover the deficit.

The East African nation has a population of over 45 million people with more than 50% of its citizens below the age of 18 years, according to United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef).

TRT Afrika