Some of the students developed complications. Photo: Henry Nsubuga  

Ugandan authorities are investigating suspected food poisoning after 150 students were taken to hospital.

The students are said to have started complaining of stomach pains after their evening meal on Wednesday at the Nakanyonyi Senior Secondary School in Mukono district in central Uganda.

The 150 students were in a district hospital, no deaths were recorded and that most of the children have since received medical attention and discharged, a police spokesman Patrick Onyango told TRT Afrika.

He said most of them had been discharged. "As we speak now, only 10 are still admitted. They had been discharged," he said.

The mass hospitalisations of students had sparked fears in Uganda. Photo: Henry Nsubuga

''Yes students were hospitalised due to suspected food poisoning. They were discharged yesterday (Thursday) but some got complications again at night and they were rushed back to hospital,'' he added.

The authorities say they have taken food samples for medical examination but that most of the students were ''out of danger'' after being discharged.

He said the police were still monitoring the situation ''with two ambulances on standby at the school.''

''We have taken samples for analysis to confirm whether its food poisoning or poisoned for food,'' Onyango said.

TRT Afrika