President Yoweri Museveni officiated the launch of the census with a call for high turnout. Photo \ State House Uganda / Photo: Reuters

Uganda has launched its first digital national population census that was rescheduled in July due to delays in procurement of enumeration equipment.

It was initially scheduled for 24th and 25th of August but will now be held in the night of 9th May and on 10th May 2024 - the latter has been declared a holiday.

Uganda conducts population census every 10 years and the results determine political representation and sharing of public funds.

"You can't plan for people you don't know, the census helps with with numbers on this... Census helps us know where people are, their wealth and what they do," President Yoweri Museveni said at the launch on Wednesday.

The digitally conducted census is expected to minimise errors and shorten the time for releasing the final data, the head of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics said.

The results of the census are expected to be released in six months.

The East African nation has a population of over 45 million people with more than 50% of its citizens below the age of 18 years, according to United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef).

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