Sarah Mateke

Uganda Defense Minister Sarak Mateke has died after a short illness, the government says.

The minister was pronounced dead at a hospital in the capital, Kampala, where she was rushed on Saturday morning, Information Minister Chris Baryomunsi announced, according to local media.

"I am sad to announce the death of the state minister of defense and also Kisoro Woman MP. May the good Lord comfort the family and rest her soul," he is quoted as saying.

Mateke was appointed defense minister in April after President Yoweri Museveni reshuffled his cabinet and moved her from the gender ministry.

She was also the Woman Member of Parliament for Kisoro district.

Vice President Jessica Alupo said she learnt of the death with "profound shock and deep sorrow", according to a post on X social media.

'Untimely death'

"With profound shock and deep sorrow, I have learnt of the untimely death of Sarah Mateke. I express my condolences to her family, the president of Uganda, the people of Kisoro, and all the people of Uganda," she said.

The spokesperson of the defense ministry said the minister was scheduled to travel to South Korea on Saturday afternoon, the New Vision news website reports.

The European Union ambassador to Uganda Jan Sadek has said he was "deeply saddened" by the minister's death.

"She was a dedicated and strong leader in all her political fields and a generous supporter of the EU-Uganda partnership," he said in a post on X.

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