NHIF had on December 18 announced adjustments to the health benefits package reflecting market prices. Photo: Others 

Tanzania has suspended the rollout of the revised national health insurance fund (NHIF) indicative prices, originally slated for January 1, 2024.

The decision follows mounting criticism and a potential boycott threat from private hospitals.

NHIF had announced adjustments to the benefits package reflecting market prices for select services on December 18.

But the changes stoked discontent among medical professionals and private healthcare facilities who felt excluded from the consultation process, with private hospital authorities hinting at denying services to NHIF card holders.

Delayed services

The main point of contention was the proposed reduction in registration and consultation fees.

Health minister Ummy Mwalimu announced a temporary hold on implementing the new package following talks with the Association of Private Health Facilities Tanzania, the Tanzania Muslim Supreme Council (Bakwata) and the Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC).

“We commend the calmness displayed by service providers during this period,” stated a press release issued by the ministry to APHFTA and other stakeholders.

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