Fighting continues in the capital Khartoum and in major towns and cities. PHOTO | FILE | REUTERS / Photo: Reuters

The Sudan Civil Aviation Authority has extended restrictions on flights in the country's airspace until June 15 amid continued clashes between the regular army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

In a notice on Wednesday, the authority said the closure excludes humanitarian aid flights and evacuation flights.

“Aid and evacuation flights will be excepted from this decision after securing permissions from relevant authorities,” it added.

The authority signaled that the closure could be extended again in the future.

Fighting broke out in the capital Khartoum in April that saw air navigation systems at Khartoum International Airport destroyed.

Over 800 people have been killed in the conflict and nearly 1.4 million people displaced - with about 345,000 people crossing into neighboring countries, according to humanitarian agencies.

On Wednesday the military suspended its participation in talks over a ceasefire, accusing its rivals of failing to honour their commitments. The withdrawal raised fears of renewed fighting.

TRT Afrika and agencies