President Cyril Ramaphosa says his country will continue to support oppressed peoples. Photo: AFP

South Africa’s president pledged on Monday to continue supporting the Palestinian cause.

‘‘Our principal solidarity with peoples burdened under the yoke of oppression and subjugation will not waiver,’’ Cyril Ramaphosa made the statement during a parliamentary debate.

He said his country stands in solidarity with Palestine and will also continue to support Cuba as well.

‘‘On Friday last week, as members of this house were debating, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an advisory opinion on the state of Israel’s continued occupation of Palestine and construction of settlements in the West Bank, ruling this was illegal under international law and said it must come to an end,’’ he said.

'Legal eagles'

Ramaphosa said his country supports the Palestinian quest for self-determination and expressed optimism that the latest ICJ ruling indicates that international momentum against Israel’s continued violations of the rights of Palestinian people is growing.

The South African leader said he would be meeting the entire legal team that represents the country at the ICJ in its genocide case against Israel.

‘‘These are some of the dedicated South African jurists. Legal eagles I call them, who have through their intellectual prowess been able to lift our flag to the highest part of the international justice system,’’ he told the parliament.

He also said South Africa would also continue to push for reforms to global institutions and governance such as the UN Security Council and international financial institutions.

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