President Cyril Ramaphosa retained Paul Mashatile as his deputy in the new cabinet. Photo / SA Presidency

South Africa's new cabinet was on Wednesday sworn into government as it faces an immediate challenge to deliver economic growth and social change.

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo presided over the swearing-in of the 32-member cabinet in Cape Town.

President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled his much anticipated cabinet of the government of national unity (GNU) late Sunday, retaining Paul Mashatile as his deputy.

The president has drawn criticism for his large cabinet that also includes 43 deputy ministers.

In all, seven parties received ministerial posts in the cabinet. Twenty ministers came from the African National Congress (ANC), six from the Democratic Alliance (DA), two from the Inkatha Freedom Party and one each from the GOOD, Freedom Front Plus, Patriotic Alliance and Pan Africanist Congress of Azania parties.

It came a month after ANC lost its parliamentary majority in the May elections, forcing it to form a coalition government.

TRT Afrika and agencies