Somalia security forces foil suicide bombing at army base

Somalia security forces foil suicide bombing at army base

The authorities say a suspected suicide bomber has been killed on Monday morning.
Somalia security forces have been battling against al-Shabaab group for years. Photo: AFP

Security forces in Somalia have thwarted a suicide bombing attempt at an army base in Mogadishu on Monday morning, the state news agency SONNA reports.

The attacker was killed by members of the National Armed Forces before he could detonate his explosives, it adds.

No other casualties were reported from the incident. Somalia has been battling against the al-Shabaab armed group for years with the group carrying out frequent deadly attacks.

Last week, the United Nations Security Council approved the suspension of the pullout of African Union troops from Somalia.

Taking security responsibility

The decision follows a request by the Horn of Africa nation for the forces to remain in the country to help in the fight against al-Shabab group.

Somalia’s request was supported by the African Union, all countries that contribute soldiers to the force and the council, which agreed to delay the pullout of the 19,000-strong AU force for 90 days.

Last year in April, the council unanimously approved a new African Union Transition Mission in Somalia, known as ATMIS, to support the Somalis until their forces take full responsibility for the country’s security at the end of 2024.

ATMIS replaced the African Union Mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, which has been in the Horn of Africa nation for 15 years helping peacebuilding in Somalia.

TRT Afrika