The health department in Marsabit County said it had enhanced surveillance after the disease outbreak. Photo: Getty Images

By Brian Okoth

Several people have died in Kenya’s northeastern county, Marsabit, after a “strange” disease broke out in the area.

Quoting local authorities, Kenya’s Nation newspaper reported that nine people were confirmed dead and 80 others ailing in Kargi Village, Laisamis Sub-County.

Grace Galmo, the county health minister, however told TRT Afrika that the official death toll was less.

“Two deaths have been registered at the health facilities, but the department has received unconfirmed reports of other deaths that have occurred within the community,” she said.

The disease had symptoms similar to malaria, local media reported.

The health department said it had begun investigating the outbreak, and had dispatched health officers to Laisamis.

Galmo said more drugs had been sent to Laisamis to help manage the situation.

“We encourage residents to take preventive measures such as washing their hands frequently with soap and water, avoiding contact with sick people and seeking medical attention if they experience any symptoms,” she said.