Senegal's opposition leader Sonko sentenced to 2 years for 'corrupting youth'

Senegal's opposition leader Sonko sentenced to 2 years for 'corrupting youth'

Opposition politician Ousmane Sonko has been acquitted of rape charges.
Ousmane Sonko / Photo: Reuters

A Senegalese court has sentenced opposition leader Ousmane Sonko to two years imprisonment on charges of "corrupting youth".

Sonko was acquitted of other charges against him including him of rape and issuing death threats. He had previously denied these allegations.

"Corrupting youth" - debauching or encouraging the debauchery of a person under the age of 21 - is a lesser offence than rape, a lawyer present at the hearing, Ousmane Thiam, told AFP.

The case which had been running for two-years triggered violent protests and clashes between Sonko's supporters and the police.

The politician popular among young people had planned to run in the 2024 presidential election. Now, the focus is on if he would be eligible to contest in next year's vote following a conviction. which according to he Senegal electoral code is restricted.