Nigeria Police said the IMN members attacked officers in the capital Abuja. Photo: MFN
There have been clashes between Nigerian police and members of a prominent Shia group, the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, who were taking part in their annual Arba'een procession in the capital Abuja.

The Nigeria Police Force said two of its officers were killed and three left unconscious after an attack involving knives and explosives by the marchers on Sunday.

"The proscribed organisation attacked the police checkpoint unprovoked, wielding machetes, improvised explosive devices and knives," police spokesperson Josephine Adeh said in a statement.

Police vans were also burned in the attack, the statement said.

Banned group

However, members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria said their march was peaceful. They accused the police of opening fire, killing and injuring a number of them.

There have been frequent clashes between members of the IMN and security forces in recent years leading to deaths and destruction.

The group was banned by the Nigerian government in 2019 after violent protests demanding the release of its jailed leader.

Nigeria's army had accused the group of wanting to assassinate a former chief of army staff and it allegedly retaliated, killing more than 300 of the group's members in 2015, and its leader, El Zakazy, was imprisoned from 2015 till 2021.

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