Turkey and Nigeria have signed agreements in various fields / Photo: @turkdegs

Nigeria's navy has signed an agreement with Turkish shipbuilding firm, Dearsan Shipyard, to upgrade its largest warship, NNS ARADU.

The warship was launched in 1985 and is the country's most important warship, according to the head of the Nigerian navy Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo.

The upgrade was aimed at improving the country's capacity to guard its maritime borders, he said during the signing of the agreement earlier this week.

The ship has represented Nigeria in many naval operations in Africa and beyond the continent, he added.

"Another important thing on this day is the signing of an additional 57-meter 'Fast Attack Craft' to assist in the restructuring and improvement of NNS ARADU," Admiral Gambo said.

"It will also raise the reputation of the Nigerian Navy in maritime security operations in Africa and beyond."

He said the Turkish firm was chosen because of its success in manufacturing high-quality warships and it will additionally produce two patrol boats for the Nigerian navy.

The NNS ARADU is capable of doing all war operations at sea in cooperation with other parties, said Rear Admiral Saidu Garba, the head of the policy planning department of the Nigerian Navy.


He said the ship had sailed 6,500 miles and provided combat assistance to friendly forces on the West African coast and in European countries.

Head of Dearsan Shipyard, Murat Gordi, thanked the Nigerian Navy for the project and promised it will be completed on time and efficiently.

He hailed the relationship with Nigeria that started in 2021 when they were given the task of producing offshore patrol vessels.

TRT Afrika and agencies