The current minimum wage in Nigeria is 30,000 naira ($20). / Photo: TRT Afrika

Nigerian labour unions have vowed to reject a 62,000 naira ($40) minimum wage offer by the federal government, threatening to resume strike if their demands are not met.

The umbrella of labour unions are demanding a minimum wage of at least 250,000 naira ($170) per month. The current minimum wage is 30,000 naira ($20) monthly.

Chris Onyeka, the assistant secretary general of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), described the minimum wage offer by the Nigerian government as "starvation wage."

"Our position is very clear. We have never considered accepting 62,000 naira or any other wage… We will not negotiate a starvation wage," Onyeka told Nigeria's privately-owned Channels Television on Monday.


Last week, the umbrella of labour unions suspended its strike by five days to allow for talks between its representatives and the government over minimum wage.

During last week's brief strike, airports, schools and businesses were shut down, and the power supply also affected.

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