Nigerian police chief Usman Baba Alkali has vowed to ensure discipline among officers / Photo: AFP

The Nigeria Police Force says it has arrested some police personnel for firing shots to ''hype a musician'' and rub his ''ego.''

A video recently emerged showing some police officers apparently serving as guards to a popular Nigerian political singer, Dauda Kahutu Rarara, opening the door of his exotic vehicle for him and then firing shots in the air amidst a cheering crowd after an event.

In a statement on Saturday, a spokesperson for the Nigerian police, Muyiwa Adejobi, said the policemen seen in the video widely circulated on social media ''have been identified and arrested.'' Adejobi did not say how many officers have been arrested.

The police authorities condemned what they called ''the unprofessionalism and act of indiscipline displayed by the policemen caught in the video that is trending.''

The police statement added that the incident happened in the northern city of Kano - where the musician is based - and the arrested policemen would be taken to the police headquarters in the capital Abuja ''for interview and necessary disciplinary action'' because such acts ''cannot be condoned in any way.''

The arrests of the officers in such circumstances are rare in Nigeria. Police officers serving high profile private individuals is a common practice in the country sparking frequent complaints and outrage by activists and ordinary citizens. The authorities say they have been making efforts to sanitise the system.

In the wake of the latest development, the police authorities said ''we appreciate the concern of well-meaning Nigerians and groups who have forwarded the video to us for our attention and action.''

The authorities also promised to ''continue to adopt and embrace innovations and ideas that can propel productive turnarounds in the Police.''

Dauda Kahutu is one of Nigeria's top and controversial political musicians - singing praises of senior politicians including incumbent president Muhammadu Buhari and the incoming president Bola Tinubu who won February's presidential elections.

TRT Afrika