General Abdourahamane Tchiani  orchestrated the military takeover two weeks ago. / Photo: Reuters

Niger's military regime has announced a new government with 21 ministers in a decree read out on national television.

It comes ahead of an emergency summit by leaders from West African bloc ECOWAS on the coup in Niger, after the country's military chiefs defied an ultimatum to restore the elected president.

Niger's new government was announced by General Abdourahamane Tchiani, who read out a statement on Wednesday night.

Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine will lead the 21-member administration, with generals from the new military governing council heading the defence and interior ministries.

Transition government

The nomination of a new prime minister by the coup leaders earlier this week appeared to signal the start of a transition to a new government.

Two weeks after the coup that toppled Mohamed Bazoum, ECOWAS says it is seeking a diplomatic solution but has not ruled out using force to resolve the crisis.

Important decisions are expected from the gathering in Nigeria's capital Abuja, according to a statement from the 15-nation organisation on Tuesday.