Niger accuses France of training, funding terrorist groups in Sahel

Niger accuses France of training, funding terrorist groups in Sahel

Niger describes France's ''hostile acts and any form of support for terrorism'' in the Sahel region.
French troops withdrew from Niger following order from the military government. Photo: Reuters

Nigerien Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Bakary Yaou Sangaré, denounced the "new recolonisation strategy" led by France, which he accuses of supporting terrorism in the Sahel.

Niger's top diplomat was speaking at the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on Monday.

After recalling that "the Sahel region has been in the grip of a serious security crisis for more than a decade that threatens even the existence of its states", he deplored the support given by some Western powers to the terrorism that is rampant in the Sahel.

"Niger reiterates its strong condemnation of these hostile acts and any form of support for terrorism," said Bakary Yaou Sangaré.

Deteriorating ties

"This is the place to denounce the new strategy of recolonisation assumed by France which informs, trains, finances and arms terrorist groups in the Sahel," he continued.

The foreign minister condemned "Ukraine's active and publicly claimed support for the terrorist coalition that cowardly attacked the locality of Tinzaouaten in Mali."

The leader of Niger Abdourahamane Tiani had also accused France last August of wanting to destabilise his country and supporting terrorism in West Africa. Paris has not reacted to the accusations.

Diplomatic relations between France and its former colony, Niger, have deteriorated sharply since July 2023 when military seized power in the West African country.

France is facing a similar situation with Mali and Burkina Faso following coups in those countries.

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