Cyril Ramaphosa believes the new law will strengthen the country's democracy/ Photo: AFP

President Cyril Ramaphosa says he’s satisfied it followed all required legal processes By Hassan Isilow JOHANNESBURG (AA) - South Africa’s president signed the Electoral Amendment Bill into law on Monday that will pave the way for independent candidates to contest national and provincial elections.

“The Electoral Amendment Bill marks a significant milestone in the evolution of our democracy by expanding electoral participation and widening the pool of leadership choice for the National Assembly and provincial legislatures,” Cyril Ramaphosa said in a statement.

Ramaphosa said the bill presents a development that can only enrich and sustain the country’s growing constitutional democracy.

The Constitutional Court ruled in June 2020 that the 1998 Electoral Act was unconstitutional for not allowing independent candidates to run for office, with only candidates affiliated with political parties allowed to contest polls.

For decades, South Africa subscribed to an electoral system based on party-list proportional representation, which means that parties are represented in proportion to their electoral support.

Ramaphosa said he is satisfied that the processes leading to the passing of the bill followed all legislative procedures as and that the substance of the bill will pass constitutional scrutiny.

The minister of home affairs is now required to establish the Electoral Reform Consultation Panel within four months of gazetting the new amendments.

TRT Afrika and agencies