The Malawian government says it is working to restore the electricity supply challenges. / Photo: Getty Images

Malawi began experiencing a nationwide blackout on Wednesday which has affected public hospitals across the Southern African nation.

The state-run power utility company, Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM), has been unable to supply power to its 20 million citizens since early Wednesday.

Energy Minister Ibrahim Matola told Anadolu that the government, through ESCOM, is working to address the problem which he said has "thrown the country into total darkness."

"We are working to make sure that before the close of the day, power should resume. While we are working to restore the power, we would like also to find out what has led to this national blackout," Matola said.

'Can't go on like this'

John Kapito, the head Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA), a consumer rights body, told Anadolu that the blackout has affected the delivery of health services in public hospitals.

"We are calling on the government to address this as soon as possible, otherwise it is going to lead to loss of lives. We can't go on like this in a country," Kapito said.

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