Namibian President Geingob expresses ''deep concern'' over Germany's support for Israel. Photo: Reuters

Namibia has condemned Germany’s decision to support ''the genocidal intent of the racist Israeli state against innocent civilians in Gaza''

Namibian President Hage Geingob says Germany's decision to criticise South Africa for bringing Israel to the International Court of Justice to face genocide charges due to its continued attacks on Gaza was ''shocking''.

The South African case against Israel at the ICJ has attracted a lot of attention with many hailing it as ''historic''.

However, some Western countries including Germany have criticised it. Israel has also denied the genocide charges at the UN's court.

'Untimely decision'

Germany has no moral high ground to defend ''the genocidal and gruesome acts of the Israeli Government against innocent civilians in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories,'' Namibia said.

''On Namibian soil, Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904-1908, in which tens of thousands of innocent Namibians died in the most inhumane and brutal conditions,'' the Namibian Presidency said in a statement on Saturday.

President Geingob has urged Germany to ''reconsider its untimely decision to intervene as a third-party in defence and support of the genocidal acts of Israel before the International Court of Justice.''

Israel has killed more than 23, 000 Palestinians in Gaza in its relentless attacks since October 7. The Israeli offensive has also driven nearly 85% of Gaza’s population from their homes.

With only a trickle of food, water, medicine and other supplies entering through an Israeli siege, a quarter of the territory's residents face starvation, according to aid agencies.

German genocide in Namibia

German colonial forces carried out the Namibian genocide against the indigenous Herero and Nama peoples between 1904 and 1908.

During the target of populations resisting colonial forces, at least 65,000 Herero and 10,000 Nama lost their lives.

As a result, the Herero population decreased by at least 70%, and the Nama population decreased by at least 50%.

While Germany acknowledged the crimes committed in Namibia as genocide in 2021, it refused to accept responsibility for reparations.

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