Morocco water / Photo: Getty Images

Moroccoan authorities have appealed for the responsible use of drinking water during Eid al-Adha celebrations as the country endures years of drought.

Morocco’s National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) said on Sunday that it was necessary to preserve water resources following low rainfalls and years of drought experienced in the region.

“Given the heatwave that Morocco is experiencing during the summer period, which coincides with Eid Al Adha, the demand for drinking water has significantly increased amidst the current situation characterised by a sharp decline in water resources due to low rainfall and successive years of drought in the Kingdom,” ONEE said in a press release.

They further added that they had teams working to ensure the supply of drinking water under the “best possible conditions.”

Morocco has experienced a persistent drought for five consecutive years, leading to water rationing to manage the limited resource.

Authorities have also turned to desalination plants to support the supply of drinking water across the country.

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