The authorities are concerned at the use of fake Ivorian passports by migrants en route to Europe. Photo / RCI

Morocco has reintroduced visa requirements for Ivorians amid a rise in the number of migrants holding fake Côte d’Ivoire passports.

The decision was announced by the Ivorian foreign ministry which said the measure was meant to ensure the "credibility of the Ivorian passport".

It said migrant trafficking networks have been offering fake Ivorian passports and counterfeit stamps to irregular immigrants en route to Europe.

"Out of the 14,800 migrants that landed in (Italian island of) Lampedusa, 170 presented themselves as Ivorian citizens. However, only 46 have been identified as Côte d’Ivoire nationals," the ministry said in a statement.

Border surveillance

Morocco has for long been a major launch pad for migrants aiming to reach Europe through the Mediterranean.

It has been tightening surveillance on its borders and last year stopped 75,184 people from illegally migrating to Europe, according to its interior minister.

The Ivorian ministry said the entry visa to Morocco for all holders of ordinary Ivorian passports will apply for an experimental period of two years starting from next month.

Moroccan citizens wishing to visit Côte d'Ivoire will still be exempted from visa requirements. Ivorians holding diplomatic or service passports, Moroccan residence cards, or Schengen visa recipients are also exempted.

Evaluate measure

An evaluation of the effects of the measure will be conducted at the end of the first year of its implementation.

The ministry termed the decision as "painful for some of our compatriots" but important in order to drain counterfeit passports.

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